Mr Angelos
What the...I just bought a three-month membership about two days ago.
Exactly this in my case. I think this is unfair. We missed this by 2-3 days, but paid full 3 months. I think we also deserve this. No way im gonna spend another 23 euro's on this!!!
Hiya. I'm a VIP and just tried to find my enlightenment aura, but to no avail; it isn't in my bank and Xuan doesn't have it. What should I do?
its under legendary aura;s
3.8 billion xp, Final boss, 27 120s, 8 200Ms, Comp cape, Master Quester and Shadow malevolent.
I also haven't received the aura. I checked with Xuan and it said I needed to buy the Summer Special pack to claim it. I shouldn't, since I'm Gold VIP.