I have proposed a solution a while back, That will it may be inconvenient to walk back to what you were doing. My solution would solve one problem and here it is. Anytime the server disconnects and it has to be a server disconnection not a client disconnection (such as forcing your own internet to go off) and the user is in combat no matter where they are or what they are doing to prevent them from losing their gear they will be instantly teleported back to whatever lode they normally spawn in from. This would be convenient at bosses such as corp where there is no grave. Now this would have some logistical issues but I figure that people in combat with bosses would have way more to worry about than people oh say i don't know bank skilling, or bank standing granted the grave thing is a good start. but what about monsters that don't have graves or make it very hard to get back to your grave such as gwd bosses?
This next part goes out to people minding their own business at the agility course, I have a solution to griefers for you as well, well actually two. Option 1. make inside the wilderness agility course non-pvp people go there to skill not get killed by griefers especially considdering the fact that people at the agility course usually only have food on them granted they could be killed for the food but it's usually junk food like tuna, pie and other junk lets face it that tuna and pie wont do jack against 2 nox staffers double teaming you with ice barrage? so it begs the question why bother killing them for it? on to option 2. This option would have to work normally but not during warbands as warbands requires a bit of risk for quick gains. so here is what I purpose the if the player dosent have a weapon or armor on they cant be attacked at any lvl of wilderness but in exchange all the monsters in the wilderness are extremely aggressive, and if you want to stop bots at the green drags make those specific drags only kill able during a slayer task pretty simple.
10-Feb-2015 13:26:09