Hou hou goodbye santa did you drop your animals to the ground and whipped us player harder than ground? make me mod plz i can make a zero zero zero player here. Oh i almost forgot where is everyone? I wanna old rs back please i hate that i can kill enyone just one touch in wilderness and i am tired of that mode that i can make rs to old style button cos then i will die. MAKE JUST Nicki minaj here please i would love to play with her.
gt**. this game is trash. I'm online and i ******* get hacked. wtf is this. the email isn't linked to me anymore, its to my hacker and i cant change the ****** email? wtf is this sht. this is a piece of **** player support. I can't do **** about getting hacked. I've lost about 20mil worth of items along with gold. it's a piece of **** how i cant do **** but be hacked. the idiot tried to relog while i was present. this is a piece of **** game. thanks for being a piece of ****. please permaban this account. you trash ****** moderators.
We will miss you Mod Mod Mark Gerhard specially me! But don't leave the game though! you will waste so much xp if you do! you will be remembered by the team and the community Good luck with your future sir.
I suggest you contact JaGex through the Support Centre - a link can be found on the top right hand side of this page. This will guide you through the necessary steps that you need to take. You can also contact Jagex on twitter - @Jagexsupport.
Furthermore, I recommend getting Runescape Authenticator, creating a strong pass.word, and creating a bank pin. The forums are not the place to discuss account issues, refrain from that in the future, as well as avoiding flaming.