I am not really sure how bots work but I do know this... I use to woodcut in seers and could not get near a magic tree for so many bots. I left the game ( though never stopped membership) for a couple years because of bots everywhere, and it has been greatly improved now. Thank you Mod Mark for all the positive you have done for RuneScape.
As the saying goes.... You cannot please all the people all the time, Mod Mark, so just ignore the haters.
I love RuneScape and personally thank you for all you have done.
When you consider the low cost of this game compared to many others I feel RS is a real bargain! I wish you the best in all you do in the future.
Sg Randall
Good. Perhaps they'll have some REAL management for a change, then again I have my doubts.
POWER TO THE PLAYERS. Remember that we help pay the salaries at JaGeX.
We ARE RuneScape.
We ARE legion.
We NEVER forget.
We NEVER forgive.
Expect us.
Although he did much to the community of runescape,he disappointed us with the bad updates and tried to fix it by the ' power to the players ' which kind of worked to calm the crowds.
lots of respect for what you have done.