Also these new players might be a mass creation of bot accounts, but that hasn't won't be and that information can't be said to us. On the other hand they might actually be new players, players who tried the game and then left because they found out the community sucks for new players, or its just too much to learn.
One look at the ability bar and I'd leave, that is if i were new. It's no longer point and click, hey but wait guys we're bringing back the old combat system! That's nice but it won't be the same, I'll just end on the note that i enjoy eoc, and that some more info on those charts would be appreciated like how you figured out male and female ratios and what amount of people did you find that people have over 1b gp?
I was told one time jagex could't look into our banks, but apparently they can.
05-Apr-2014 12:05:28