i bought 6 months membership silver premium with real life cash.
Now I changed my mind and want to make it a full year, gold package, but pay the adding 6 months with 12 bonds.
There is an option for normal membership for an extra 6 months.
Is there an option to top up my silver to gold premium with bonds at all?
i bought 6 months membership silver premium with real life cash.
Now I changed my mind and want to make it a full year, gold package, but pay the adding 6 months with 12 bonds.
There is an option for normal membership for an extra 6 months.
Is there an option to top up my silver to gold premium with bonds at all?
You cannot 'top up' the membership. If you would like gold then you need to purchase the gold package.
Daw Jon
lol if that at me ?? if so i not blaming jagex i whose asking a quested about why i got to mess with my pay to play to get all the benefits of gold members that's not on and i am one of community so what you saying i am not part of runscape community ??? ? i dont know who you think you are but think before you speak
I tried to understand your form of typing, and I failed to do that. I've just noticed a large portion of players are angry with everything Jagex offers, and saw a lot of that on this thread. I was just speaking my mind about a topic has become to annoying to let go by.
Oh, and that last comment you made was not necessary. I think that you should think before you type, because the massive amount of grammar and spelling errors is quite hard to understand...
The only think that everyone did not like is the fact that is loyalty points instead of runecoins. not everything is availible to by with loyalty points .
02-Jan-2014 19:33:16
- Last edited on
02-Jan-2014 19:37:27
In the FAQ for the Premium Membership (QFC: 15-16-718-65225664), Mod Slayer said:
Q: Why are there no RuneCoins on the Premier Club package this year?
We looked at what players used from last years Premier packages and we did see that although some people did use up the RuneCoins which came with the package that the significant majority of players still have these left over.
We have introduced a number of options available to players on the Solomon's store available to buy with loyalty points, the most recent retro overrides as an example.
We will continue to add a number of items to the Solomon's store which you will be able to purchase with loyalty points.
Also you never know what else we have in store for next year, new auras including tier 5!
With Bonds now in game players can use their ingame wealth to convert Bonds into RuneCoins which they can use purchase those which can't be bought with loyalty points alone.
Jagex's response can't be more ********. i used up my runecoins the day i got the package. Some people have a lot of left over runecoins because they chose to save it for future cosmetics, it is ridiculous how they are using this as an excuse to downgrade to loyalty points instead. i still have around 200k of loyalty points, i don't think i would want any more of these points because they made it extremely limited on what we can spend on.