Thank you Jagex for the honesty, which I find refreshing.
DDoS attacks have been a problem to Runescape's player community for many years, and I'm sorry to hear that the game servers themselves have recently been under attack.
As far back as 2004 I was in a Runescape clan whose forums were hosted by a fansite, and that fansite was hit by DDoS Attacks - The company providing the servers then effectively pulled the plug on the fansite, causing that clan to lose its forums entirely - which were used as its primary form of organisation, something that was never fully recovered from.
In 2008 during the first Jagex Cup, some of the competing teams found that their voice chat servers were subjected to DDoS attacks, and in some instances even the individual computers of some of the players competing in the event were knocked offline in separate attacks.
Just plain sad really.
06-Nov-2013 16:13:40