
Blast from the Past

Quick find code: 294-295-288-65182719

FoulFowl UFO

FoulFowl UFO

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The Golem Outfit is once again obtainable, but not for long!

What's the catch?
You need to exchange obscene amounts of BXP for each part!

I've been trying to No-life Barbarian Assault and Stealing Creation, but with little success.

Barbarian Assault, even with this update, is almost always vacant, and if it isn't, it's either full of people wanting to do Hard Mode, or with players that don't know how to play it very well.

Meanwhile, Stealing Creation is being done by two FCs, both PvP and Anti-PvP, but with a bit of a problem.
While it's pretty damn easy to join the PvP Fc, the Anti Fc are making it difficult to get in by periodically switching hosts every now and then and only announcing it in the Main Fc.
While it's a good tactic to make it difficult for party poopers to get in, it also makes it complicated for those who get distracted for literally seconds and miss the call for the the next Fc to join.

I'm not sure what other Minigames to do for the BXP I need.
On one hand it's a dead minigame, and on the other, there's an overly complex FC-Switching System in play.

Getting the Golem Outfit is a lot more difficult than I believe it needs to be.
I wish they just kept the pieces either as a really rare monster drop, or as a rare prize from treasure hunter.

I'm wondering if it's even worth all the trouble..

01-Oct-2014 12:30:05

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