I've told you guys this before, but I'm thinking you didn't see it? So I'm posting about it here. Every time I go into Solomon's Store, clicking the x button in the upper right-hand corner...does nothing. Solomon's doesn't close out, and I can't return to the game without refreshing the page, risking getting locked out for a time until the login server catches up. Frustrating.
Also - and I can't stress how annoying and frustrating this is, as well as a possible migraine/seizure trigger - whenever I do get something from Solomon's, for a full day after the purchase, every. single. time. I put on or take off a piece of equipment, or pick up or use a key in daemonheim, the icons for the items I obtained - the last instance I got a hairstyle (I think) and an emote - flash continuously until I click on them. Even after clicking them to acknowledge, the next time I do one of the things above, it starts flashing again. I could understand it happening once - but 50 times in a row? And continuously, not flash, oh, 5 or 6 times then stop? Please, please, please change this.
And, whenever I have a full pack and I logout (or even go out to the lobby) then log back in, I still get the message in my chat box - appearing since RS3 implementation - that "you have items you purchased in the store, please clear space in your pack for delivery." Except whatever it is never appears when I clear my pack, even after again logging out, refreshing the game, then logging back in again.
I'm playing in Firefox 24.0, if that matters.
And any info on where I go/how to get my chinchompa? I got it from Solomon's but it didn't show up on it's own, I assume you have to go to some NPC in the game to get it? Diango maybe?
My motto is to be nice if I can, but also to not suffer trolls.
09-Oct-2013 02:18:26