For players who have dial up and can't watch the videos, or those hard of hearing, it would be nice to have a written out version of what is said in the video, so they can read it.
I agree with Miss Muis, more tips on gaining XP and earning GP would be welcome, and as Dark Bark said, having a skill focus for each Runecast video sounds like a good idea.
Having a player challenge could be useful, encouraging group or individual play for an activity, mini game, or skill.
I'd like to hear about progress against bots, and improvements to the chat system to filter out more of the spambots.
I'd like a clear stand against player hosted gambling and against scamming announced in Runecast.
I'd like a major rule explained each Runecast video. A lot of players don't read the rules and many think they are allowed to transfer items to their other accounts by giving them to another player to give to their other account, which is against the rules, so a rule clarification each Runecast would let a lot of players know about rules and clarify them. It would also be useful if a rule has been updated to include it and explain the changes or clarifiction of a rule in the Runecast video.
One rule which many are not clear on is what is meant by luring, why Jagex does not consider luring to be scamming or against the rules, and what exactly is or is not allowed in luring, and if promising items to someone at the GE to trick them to go into a dangerous area and bring and lose items, or telling them they won't lose items when they can, is considered a legitimate luring technique or if it would be bannable.
I'd also like to see a meet a Jmod session in each Runecast video, where we get to see a Jmod and learn a little about them.
Thanks for Runecast, I look forward to seeing more.
21-May-2012 12:11:01