I am SICK to DEATH of these useless, stupid, gimmicky updates. Jagex, NO ONE CARES ABOUT THE STUPID SQUEAL OF FORTUNE! STOP! Just freaking stop! All you do is attract a minority of eight year olds who beg their parents for their credit card, then use it to buy stupid spins, get a few levels up, get small amounts of cash and crap items, then go brag to all the legit players. What has happened to RuneScape? These stupid updates. I don't mind Runespan, I don't mind the Evolution of Combat, I don't mind Dungeoneering; but seriously, this is over the top. You had to change your own rules so you couldn't be accused of RWT. Soon you'll be selling gold and armour just like the Asian gold farmers who you apparantly try to stop. Maybe you should wake up and start reading the messages your angry customers give you. Maybe you should listen to them and make a move... It's never too late, just get rid of the Squeal of Fortune and adress your players with what they want more frequently. If you're after money (which you obviously are), why not just rise the price of membership? It's so cheap as it is and I'm sure a 50% price rise wouldn't lose a lot of your members. But please, start listening to us for once.
07-Jul-2012 13:00:40