Possibly this update came from an idea to help players...but really, this is what it sounds like to me:
"We have given up trying to stop bots. We intend to let cheaters continue using their red chinchompa bots as much as they like, because we are unable/unwilling to do what is necessary to stop them. We'll give players their own private areas so they can still hunt without having to compete with bots, but we intend to do absolutely nothing about the cheaters who make ridiculous amounts of cash from bots, and we don't care that it's unfair to legitimate players. After all, if we started doing something about all the illegal cash coming into the game from bots and said it was wrong, we might have to look at our own SoF bought xp and gp and admit it's unfair and wrong too. So, bot away cheathers! You'll never be stopped, caught, punished or banned!"
Even the video itself contains lies: "competing with other players for resources" are you serious? It was never difficult to find your own hunting spot when it was just players, even in the first two weeks when hunter had just come out and everyone was doing it. The competition is with bots. Only bots. We know it. Jagex knows it. But the videos they produce, and their responses when interviewed, reflect a fantasy land where bots are minimal and all 200m accounts were not bots but real players.
Every time you lie to us, we believe you even less.
18-Aug-2012 04:53:46