EoC adds dexterity skill to combat but removes strategy. Half the art of combat was in planning and training an awesome pure and there was enough difference between a duel arena pure and a Wildy pure too! Soul Wars rewards already took the art out of that and now EoC will render it pointless.
That is not what this thread is about though. We spend all day conforming at work or school and in our leisure time we want to be different, to specialise and contribute as a unique individual to our team efforts. The way Jagex is developing RS, everywhere and everyone is going to be exactly the same all doing the same sequence of things with the same set of skills... it will be just an unimaginative sequence of chores and I would sooner go wash the dishes IRL than do the next bit of tedium on my RS to-do list
This Challenge system looks like a great project, it should certainly keep those of us who tend to get bored busy and give people more things to strive to do rather than just grind skills or break the rules
As regards the security system..well...how could I possibly be against something that helps us keep our accounts even safer?
Great updates - I really love the BTS videos, really give me an advanced look into the upcoming updates and I get to announce it to my clan as if though I know all about the universe..
I currently use a couple of systems for online security. Part of this security changes the IP address each use/log in etc. Will I have to revalidate my account each time if I activate your new system?
Travelin Sam