I like the idea of changing the quest and tasks buttons into one interface, with one access button.
However, "Noticeboard" is already used by clans, albeit manually and cumbersome.
If the clan's noticeboard can be integrated into this new interface, it'd help us tremendously with hosting events and organization. The tick mark on the current noticeboard, imo, needs to be default on to notify players of events automatically.
A tab could be labeled "Your Clan" or something similar, and it could show the clan's noticeboard from anywhere in game, to let players know of the events and things to do with their clan. The clan noticeboard would be at home in this new noticeboard available anywhere in game.
It'd be great to have it updatable too by this interface, instead of exiting out of a slayer task to goto clan camp and make a slight time change, to go all the way back to the slayer task.
Thanks for making interfaces easier to use, but please don't forget or exclude clans.
Have fun in all you do and good luck with your goals!
-Good I Snipr -HLPRS
15-Sep-2012 14:53:08