Moderators: Why is this person still allowed to post in the forums? I have never seen a post he has made other than the single psuedo-word, "Meh". Look up his profile. You will find hundreds of the exact same post, in virtually every new thread made. Sad life he must lead, but why are we still subjected to no-content, repetitive, non-productive postings by someone who clearly has nothing to add to the discussions at hand, as well as clearly violating the following anti-spam policy for the Boards:
Always try to ensure that your posts are constructive and interesting. Posting without contributing to the discussion is not wanted.
Offences in this category include:
-->Adding multiple posts with the same content several times over.
Adding multiple threads with the same content several times over*
*****;Adding posts which are devoid of meaningful content.
Posting to ask for items or gold (begging).
Posting threads with a misleading title.
17-Nov-2012 19:22:56