You are what is known as as a noob. Please refrain from making stupid comments from now on. Bxp weekends have been around for longer than the SOF and SGS. So, you have no right to make such an idiotic comment as such. Please leave the jmods alone and try to enjoy BXP weekend. They are an old tradition on RS so please stop comparing them to xp boosting sets, ammys and such.
Why were the tips in the video given at the last minute? These tips should have been given well 1 or 2 weeks in advance. If you were to plant a spirit tree right now then you would not get it done within the weekend.
Why does Jagex always wait until the day of the event to post anything? And why do we hear about SoF and Solomon AFTER we've already won or bought the stuff to find out what it does?
I swear I'm posting RuneScape Gathering on April 1st 2013 and if Jagex wait until the day the event takes place to prevent anyone from requesting off from work or planning around family crap that day - somebody at Jagex is getting b slapped.
Summon is a very hard skill to train. It is most definatly one of those skills where you have to be extremely rich to get even med lvl. Doubling summon gives people who arent obsessed with killing things a chance at lvling up. For instance, I honestly have no idea how to get enough charms. I have no idea. Yet I'm trying for my first skillcape to be the quest point cape. I need 65 summon for the cape. I unlike certain people dont spend all my time killing things and making money. So I have had a hard time training summon. This helps me by alot.
does making the armour in the artisan workshop count? if i make the armour will i get double xp for that 1 piece of armour? just a yes or a no is fine.
also, for combat. it does work on hp, right? want to make sure
thanks in advance
Hmmmmmmmmm, that was a scary vid no need for costumes with all those j mod double chins. Seriously though, thanks for the tips and keep up the good work. Roll on the weekend.
26-Oct-2012 20:27:08
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26-Oct-2012 20:27:49
will the it be the same as the past double xps where the xp when down each 30mins or will it be a constant 2x xp no matter how much you play between the 27 and 29th of october.
26-Oct-2012 20:52:13
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26-Oct-2012 20:52:57
Obvious tips :p but will be helpful to some people.
At the end: That better NOT be the new model for Juna at Tears of Guthix! If it is, somebody is going to get a taste of Saradominist vengeance...
-Ascertes, King of all the Hallowlands and the Everchosen of Saradomin.