Offering bones on a Player Owned House altar
Sacred clay items
All Fired Up rewards
Quest XP rewards, including Early Bird bonuses.
Any items giving bonus XP which aren't listed in the list above (e.g. ancient effigies, strange rocks, genie lamps, tomes of experience, goldsmithing gloves, Ectofuntus, altars in player-owned houses, etc).
XP rewards at the end of minigames/D&Ds (e.g. Tears of Guthix, Soul Wars, Pest Control, Jade Vine, Skeletal Horror, giving sq'irk juice to Osman, etc).
Anything which allows points to be exchanged for XP (e.g. Dungeoneering tokens, Penguin Points, Brimhaven Agility Arena tickets, Slayer incentives, Mrs Winkin's World of Seeds shop from Vinesweeper, Dominion Tower item exchange, etc).
Any XP earned through the Assist System
Clan Avatar XP boosts
Recruit a Friend Bonus XP
Festival of the Dead Bonus XP
Clan citadel rings
26-Oct-2012 22:28:05