I normally speak kindly of this game.
I know you have many hurdles to get past.
I understand the illegal attacks on this game are a serious challenge.
I understand you had to cut back on servers since the "big Bot Nuke".
Now, having said those things, (and others but I'm keeping this short), To not do a bot nuke or some major bot removal before such an event as double xp weekend is just wrong!
The LAG is horrendous!!!
I could have made the same amount of xp in a non-lag environment as this double xp weekend! It takes me twice as long to do anything and therefore equates to the same thing.
This lag has made an event I looked forward to an unpleasant gamming experience.
I don't post very often but this lag on this weekend is a serious disappointment.
I look forward to some stabilization of this ongoing lag issue!
If I can help with the bot issues or anything else... you have my addy =)
27-Oct-2012 21:41:52