Again, Cinder, you really don't have to like someone to team up with them to take down a common enemy. Look at Saradomin and Zamorak, they teamed up to completely(or almost) wipe out Zaros from the history books.
Random thing: Happy Creation day runescape! (12 years ago wasnt really its birth was it? more like creation or release day)
I found out how to make a signature! Woop woop! ----> Spoiler!
I just remember I believe the lore q&a video states that lucien is currently dead though.I'll go back and look at it again.I still think they would have a hard time wounding let alone killing guthix
This is technically impossible because Guthix is like a legit god, he can do anything. Assuming runescape's standards though, they could find some loophole or something.
If you think about what someone said about Metamorphosis and such, the Most evolved and rare Mahrjahrrat is moia herself being the only one to read memories and the only of half mahjarrat/half human.
look on wikia I know they have a section on the kinda power guthix has where do you think I got some of my information( I also read all the quest dialogue when I can)
11-Jan-2013 21:12:31
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11-Jan-2013 21:13:18
Earlier today, I read the entire sections on Guthix, Zamorak, Saradomin, Armadyl, Bandos, Zaros, and Serene. That is where i am getting 80% of my information. It clearly did *tate Guthix has power to do anything but does not so he doesn't disrupt the balance of Gielenor.