This is my assumption. By now we all noticed that Guthix entered the realm as a butterfly and evolved into one as well. And as Zamorak and things related to him had been repeatedly been shown, I'm assuming he will the be the god most involved. Something with dungeoneering could be a possibility with the "rift" that Zamorak could return in. This part is a huge guess, but since Guthix had disappeared a long time ago, maybe he had never left and turned back into a butterfly and been roaming ever since. Zaros could possibly even play a part in this and be resurrected seeking revenge on Zamorak. This would be perfect timing seeing as how the kalphite king is making a big entrance. For those who did not know, the kalphites are long enemies of Zaros and if he does get ressurected trying to stop Zamorak, they will act for their part. Who knows, maybe even that area above the elven area could be involved, you know, the area people have been wondering about for a while now. Jas definitely will be involved. We'll all find out soon.
11-Jan-2013 18:30:37
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11-Jan-2013 19:06:19