Just thought id mention before i start ranting, goodjob on updating the game, it will probably benefit some people, and annoy others. But i guess thats what was inevitable.
What i would like to say is, that i am a pure and i know most of runescape doesn't like pures but just wondering, because my ingame friend told me that There will be a differant server for this new update?
Im here to ask if this is true. Will is be like runescape Classic and runescape 2?
But a rs2 and rs3?
Please reply someone, because i do enjoy this game, and i dont think this update will be very fun, but i will test it out ovc. So could a mod please reply to this question.
Will The new combat system be like, rsc and rs2? but now Rs2 and Rs3?
Prob doesnt make sense but w/e.
27-Jun-2012 11:03:23