8 year runescape vet here, and this update will ruin pvm. You can solo corp without any food with this update, and it takes about 10 mins (takes 5 mins to kill on regular runescape). Went to godwars and then to Armadyl on the beta. In normal Rs, I can kill Kree in about 40-50 seconds solo, in beta however it takes 6 minutes for a solo kill. I'm not sure I want to renew my membership after this update. Pvm is how alot of high level players make money and if they mess with Pvm...you're going to have some very angry pvm'ers. Honestly, I dont think anyone wants to spend 6 minutes killing Kree or 10 minutes solo'ing corp with the prices of drops right now, just to have a slim chance of getting a drop to pay for the overloads/super restores you use killing them. Imagine nex.
As for PVP, I was in the wildy and had 6 people on me. Some using mage, range and others using melee. I tanked them for 15 minutes before they gave up and went back to edgeville. Gear dosnt even matter anymore. Someone had duel rapiers and I had claws, now if i remember right....rapiers are better than claws, And I won. there is little difference between torva and bandos, and as it stands at the moment barrows has the same stats as torva.
Why are they releasing this new combat system? Thats easy, Jagex is running out of ideas. I dont think anyone even asked for an update like this honestly.
Go on jagex, have a poll to see wheather or not the players want this update. A simple "Do support you the Combat Beta? (yes) (no)". Here, I'll start it for you.
Do you support the Combat Beta? (yes) (no)
*Pinkie Piez
01-Jul-2012 23:45:40
- Last edited on
02-Jul-2012 00:05:14