I've been playing Runescape for about 8 years now, and there have been a handful of updates that I did not necessarily like, but put up with. I have tested the beta and like the new graphics and player models, but am completely against the removal of special attacks and having the action bar added in its place. Also armors only having "defense" and not specific types of defense i think would not benefit the game in any way. I also strongly believe that all weapons of the same tier should NOT have the same stats; if all weapons have the same stats their will be no point in using one weapon over another. The main reason that i have been playing Runescape for all this time is specifically because it's NOT like World of Warcraft. I feel as if this combat rework will push Runescape into the same game type as WoW.
P.S. I personally find it pointless to multiply the amount of HP(not constitution) of everything in the game. I prefer the old system in which we had 99 points of health, multiplying everything by 10 and making 990 points of health seemed utterly pointless to me, and i feel that giving players 10k HP is just putting Runescape one step closer to be like WoW and all of those other dumb games...
Jagex, please don't kill Runescape.
27-Jun-2012 03:52:47