don't wry the beta is full of holes & is pretty bare bones, jagex promised to much & failed 2 fulfill their end but that's nothing new 4 users that have been playing since the beginning - mid '00s. Rs mods have been talking about changing the everything since I've started back in 05 but this beta is just another tear from the dungeon crawler pile of games that tried to be an mmorpg but failed in doing so. Wow has done the best in its own way but Diablo is up there, however rs is trying to copy those games/play styles (among others) with this new take on their version of rs; however bones can't fill a man for a meal nor be used as soup for the next. If this is what rs is going then i feel that most user`s are going to be turned away from this type of gaming.
When beta comes out= i cancel my meber n quit
relaly i dont poop rsgp out of my butt!! to lvl up herb just to "consume" overload etc im sure there are many things! i took 5 minutes to killa jogre!!! really???
I've been playing for 10 years and didn't get in and from what I'm hearing I'm almost glad I didn't get in. This update sounds like a nuke to get rid of players rather than make them happy. Scared to see what happens when it's actually released.
Only thing that looked cool was the fighting animations and dual wielding.
Tested didnt like quitting if they bring out fully, rubbish. 5 minutes to kill a bloodveld even with the specials moves no chance.
Plus the worlds are very laggy and even the original worlds are laggy also now
26-Jun-2012 20:21:22
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26-Jun-2012 20:27:09
btw mage spellbook sucks
nothing is organized take soo long to look for stuff ya its cool
but your messing everything up!
i like the beta but some stuff its just so stupid
Dear Jagex,
Come on man let me play to i play for 5 years pays so much memberships.
you helped me with a lot of things but let me in to man i wanna try it to
Please Jagex gimme a change.
i have a quick question ive been a playing seens '02 on and off membership but when is the beta test going to be over and free for everyone im just wondering and honestly i dont care if im choosen or not i just want to know when its over