It really sucks!!!! Lag is so bad you can't even play. GE is available when it wants to be, and it crashes every 2 minutes. I'll try again someday, maybe.
Been playing since classic...change my membership details and bam no access...8-9 years is owned by a 24/7 bot....wtg jagex...wtg *face palm*.....and before the trolls kick in about whining and how come you cant wait 10 days is like letting your younger sibling (around 5 or under) decide where your family takes a vacation all the time and saying whatever money is left can decide where you want to go...if there is any.
i think everyone should get to try this if we all have to use it ,i dont like how m uch this game is changing its becomng world of warcraft please take this in to consideration
I guess I haven't been playing long enough to get access to the beta. I've ONLY been playing since '01 (been a member at least 7/11+ years). Thanks Jagex. Can't wait to watch some vids of this and see how many bots and stuff you let in over an 11-year vet
Not everyone hot chosen, I was one of the "lucky ones" if you want to say, the screen is taking at least 10 minutes to load and is still loading, to be honest I think this is one of those updates that shouldn't happen since in my opinion our combat system is perfectly fine. Maybe make a tweak here and there but don't completely change it. I will still try the beta but I do know for a fact I will not enjoy it.