Just to be fair, I'll play devil's advocate for a bit since this view has been very poorly represented, as usual...
How rare is "super-rare?" If I had to guess, I'd say that the super-rare items appear in less than once 10,000 spins, if that. On average, members would therefore receive 20,000 gold pieces per spin, so about 40K per day, not including the non-200M rewards. Yes, it's inflation, but it's still surprisingly small! Do a single Bakriminel run and make four times that figure (or more) every six hours. Has anyone who has posted on this thread ever received a super-rare item? I've been a member this whole time and haven't received a single one, and only one item from the rare slot.
Some players argue that 200M is too much money to stumble upon by chance, and must be earned through long-term hard work. However, opportunities already existed before Squeal was released to obtain large amounts of cash through sheer luck. Treasure Trails and certain bosses already have a small chance of yielding more than 500M to a very lucky handful of players.
The difference between Squeal and treasure trails is not so much the lack of effort required to spin, but instead the perception that Squeal represents real-world trading. I am confident that this general opinion has been shaped by a large and very vocal population of players, whose views I respect even though their mass-posting has drowned out other voices. Whether it is or isn't real world trading is not an issue for me; I choose not to buy spins because my money is better invested in other things (Minecraft Hunger Games kits, stocks, and watermelon to name a few). To each his or her own.
I do not necessarily agree that this was a poor marketing strategy, despite the violent reaction witnessed here; the high price of spins probably yields a nice side-profit to compensate for a few players unsubscribing. So long as Jagex uses this profit to make Optimus and Beta the best they can be, I will not object to this update.
21-Jun-2012 19:15:33