Like 20 pages of un-support rofl.
Why don't you just make another double exp weekend to celebrate it? Or like some special clothing (untradable) or some fancy hats but please not this.
I don't know why everyone is raging so much. It's a game, if you don't like it play something else.
I don't mind the Sof because I use my free spins and I'm done. YOU'RE NOT BEING FORCED TO BUY SPINS.
If you want to complain to someone, complain to Jagex's shareholders as they are the ones that continually push the Squeal of Fortune.
Oh God Why! I would have rather had Double Xp Weekend or something of the sort. So disappointed... now I don't care about going out of town this weekend.
I do not support this update nor do i support SOF back when i started real world trading was ban-able but now when the company does it its ok it makes for better it ruins the game you built and tanks your public relations i will give you 2 weeks to fix what you have done or i cancel my membership.