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Will gilded pickaxes be able to be added to the tool belt?
I wouldn't say so, it's a needless cosmetic that won't do you much good. I wish I could put my Inferno Adze onto the toolbelt, but I know that won't be happening.
So if I put my dragon hatchet in my tool belt will that mean I will have to go buy a new one if I want to use it to fight the jade vine? Currently you must wield the hatchet when fighting the jade vine or it won't let you fight it. You can not use the tool belt hatchet to fight the jade vine.
And what about the inferno adze? any plans for that?
hi there, I love the new toolbelt update
recently got a dragon hatchet and pickaxe. I spent about 6-8 hours the other day getting my dragon pickaxe gilded in lava flow mine, and I wondered if putting it in the toolbelt would still keep the dragon pickaxe gilded? and as a suggestion if it would maybe be possible to gild your dragon hatchet, in the future
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How'd you determine who won the "100 quests in two minutes" Quest-guessing challenge anyway?
Congrats to "J3" I think it said.
Haha, that job fell to me. I had to paste the lists you guys posted into a word processing program, remove any odd formatting, paste them into a spreadsheet program, sort the lists alphabetically, check for errors in quest titling (so, "World Wakes" instead of "The World Wakes" etc) and then I had to tick off all the quests sequentially by reading Mod Osborne's definitive list. The one who scored the most right answers was the winner.