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Divination - It sounds like Divination is just a new way of making Easyscape even easier. Plus you're corrupting the real definition of Divination which is predicting the future.
Death of Chivalry - so far your quests this year and the BOE last year were complete crap. I'm not going to expect this to be an epic one.
Loyalty Programme -
This is just a BS excuse to keep Solomon's Garbage store around. I bet anything that after the Loyalty Programme is DEAD after it merged into the Garbage store FAILGEX will start offering more BS items that offer in game advantages to the Garbage store. It says you'll be able to buy "many" with loyalty points. Not all. YOU ARE GIVING US LOYAL PLAYERS A GIANT MIDDLE FINGER, just like you gave all those people who bought 3 months and 6 months promotional membership a giant middle finger by fixing a broken crap combat system, bug fixes, and crap quests.
If it weren't for 07, I would have canceled my membership to this crapfest long ago.
You're complaining at anything you can. If you're already biased against Jagex, does your post really have a place here? It would be much better in the rants section.
Divination won't necessarily make anything else in RuneScape easier; you still have to make a lot of effort to get a level 99. Death of Chivalry? I'm neutral; I don't like the fact that it's a remake but I know that they've had better people writing plots recently, such as The World Wakes; if you disagree, then it is my opinion that you don't know what a good plot is in an MMORPG. The loyalty program..yeah they can buy stuff, but it won't give advantages; Solomon's is cosmetics. If anything, we can use loyalty points to buy solomon's items.
I can't wait for the Divination skill. It looks epic, although I can't quite grasp how it will work
I'll see soon enough I guess.
Regarding the loyalty store Upgrade - I'm glad that they are upgrading the store. I hope they don't put too much from SGS on sale there, so my Money for runecoins won't be wasted!
- Aragorn
From the ashes a fire shall be woken,A light from the shadows shall spring;Renewed shall be blade that was broken:The crownless again shall be king.
A wild enticement, so overwhelming, makes exiting. (Awesome 1st letter wordplay)
Could overdo on likes. (Cool 1st letter wordplay)
Divine interception vowed in normal annual time into ongoing nature (Divination)
Would love to do that quest, hoping to see more then 2 types of ending. (Like making sure that both side won't win, choosing a Guthix path and part of his last wish.)
Loyalty & Solomon combined, can't wait to see what's coming.
Note that the time there resets itself each time you are out of membership so do not judge by it.
Nova Thunder player since 2006
Runescape player over 10 years - Loves to Quest, and check the lore.
Sounds like a great month...MIGHT even make up for the dissapointments earlier this year!
Looking forward to the new quest, and I'm happy about being able to use my 91k loyalty points from something worth while.
I like deep story lines, and interrelated story lines are even better. Keep the serious quests coming jagex. Adding the bacon was nice, but I really didn't like being distracted from the seriously deep and sad story line of
The world wakes
Good to see some new pocket slot items, I was worried I'd have to train
and get them from PoP. How good will those be compared to the new divination ones?
As for the f2p trial, I think level 20 or 25 would be a better taste than 5 for member's skills. I stayed f2p until I beat all the f2p quests, and leveled most of my skills 30+, I think that's a good boundary that you should encourage. Level 5 takes like 2 minutes.
Death of Chivalry: YESSSHHH!!! This is going to be interesting, since I sided with Zamorak. This is another quest styled like the double bills (though it sounds like this one is fully f2p?) so you have my bar set
" the combat scales with your level"
More of that. Please. I love me some novice quests, but it's just not fun 1-shotting a boss and not getting to see any of his mechanics. I'm looking at you, Delrith! Can we get an extension of this to Dominion Tower as a challenge mode?
Melzar the Cabbageromancer
(level 200) is going down!
Improved Loyalty Programme and Solomon's Store Merge
Very nice! So all current loyalty costumes will still be purchasable with loyalty points, but will now be overrides instead of items? Exactly what I wanted!
"but you'll also be able to buy many of the items currently available on Solomon's Store with your loyalty points!"
exactly what I wanted! I hope that includes the pegasus teleport animation!
"You'll also be able to treat yourself to a selection of Loyalty Store items with Runecoins, if you wish, although auras and higher-tier Loyalty Store cosmetics will remain exclusively as loyalty point items."
Not being able to buy auras with runecoins, good job. Some of those are quite powerful.