Dwarf Quest Competition Winners!
A few weeks ago we asked you to send in your designs for new characters to appear in our epic conclusion of the Dwarf quest saga. Specifically we were looking for your suggestions for a new NPC to lead the Chaos Druids in our quest and an epic monster who would drop the coveted Dragon throwing axes!
We received a ton of amazing entries that have really gone well beyond what we could ever have hoped for. In the end we had to narrow it down to designs we knew we could make fit within the context of the quest. After several long sessions of reviews, arguments, physical violence and name calling we finally reached a consensus over the designs which will be added to RuneScape.
The winning Chaos Druid Entry
For the Chaos Druid we selected the sinister Ikadia who was created by Athonen .
Ikadia the Exile
Appearance: A slim, older woman garbed in a dark red robe. An antlered helm arches upward from behind her head and fragments of bone dangle from her blood-drenched, silvery hair. Her skin is unusually pale and intricate tattoos line the sides of her face. She holds a staff tipped with an
animal skull with great pomp and power.
Personality: Ikadia’s bizarre and terrifying countenance is offset by a soft and inviting voice with a somewhat sophisticated register. She is calculating and thoughtful, but quick to anger. She finds incompetence absolutely intolerable. She regards the adventurer as a useful meddler but one that could prove to be dangerous nonetheless; as such, she is not particularly hostile towards the player at their first meeting, but becomes more aggressive towards the player as he or she progresses through the plot.
Description: Ikadia is the descendant of Urval the Exile, a druid who was driven out of Taverley - along with any who shared his beliefs – in the late Fourth Age, for teaching that Zamorak is Guthix’s most perfect incarnation. She upholds her ancestor’s dark legacy by communing with demons, terrorizing the local druids above, and raising the dead for the Chaos Druids’ dark purposes.
She leads the Chaos Druids in dark rituals involving human and animal sacrifice and reveres Zamorak as another aspect of Guthix and the primal force of destruction – the most necessary catalyst for personal improvement. Xenia, who foiled a plot to kidnap a powerful druid decades ago, is her mortal
Appearance: A slim, older woman garbed in a dark red robe. An antlered helm arches upward from behind her head and fragments of bone dangle from her blood-drenched, silvery hair. Her skin is unusually pale and intricate tattoos line the sides of her face. She holds a staff tipped with an
animal skull with great pomp and power.
Personality: Ikadia’s bizarre and terrifying countenance is offset by a soft and inviting voice with a somewhat sophisticated register. She is calculating and thoughtful, but quick to anger. She finds incompetence absolutely intolerable. She regards the adventurer as a useful meddler but one that could prove to be dangerous nonetheless; as such, she is not particularly hostile towards the player at their first meeting, but becomes more aggressive towards the player as he or she progresses through the plot.
Description: Ikadia is the descendant of Urval the Exile, a druid who was driven out of Taverley - along with any who shared his beliefs – in the late Fourth Age, for teaching that Zamorak is Guthix’s most perfect incarnation. She upholds her ancestor’s dark legacy by communing with demons, terrorizing the local druids above, and raising the dead for the Chaos Druids’ dark purposes.
She leads the Chaos Druids in dark rituals involving human and animal sacrifice and reveres Zamorak as another aspect of Guthix and the primal force of destruction – the most necessary catalyst for personal improvement. Xenia, who foiled a plot to kidnap a powerful druid decades ago, is her mortal
The winning Monster Entry
For the monster we selected the intimidating Chaos Giant as suggested by Adraman .
Congratulations to both of you! We will be adding your designs to the game, incorporating your username into the credits and will be sending you the signed concept art of your creation!

31-Jul-2013 12:24:34 - Last edited on 31-Jul-2013 12:36:57 by Mod Crow