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The 2 actual updates sound good
However the crown of seasons thingy with materials on the wheel and available through skilling? Skilling always gets the short end of the stick with that. Been doing loads of skilling on different accounts and have yet to get anything through the skills mentioned. That is hard for those not willing to buy spins. When will those kind of things change so that it is actually possible in that limited time to obtain the materials needed for the item?
simply posting to advise you on some glitches i've encountered in game.
the money pouch sometimes reads "zero" when i really have gp in it.
the grand exchange custom price does not allow you to customize how much.
the ability bar sometimes disappears for no reason.
if you could look into these it would be much appreciated
@Elite: The money pouch showing zero is a known bug. As for the ability bar disappearing, try making a custom interface, setting it where you want, and load that every time you join the game? The ability bar should stay put.
This is just a placeholder.
About the RuneScape3 video, sure the graphics looks nice for people that have SUPER SUPER fast internet. Try making RuneScape faster instead of so laggy. The more things you'll add makes it worse.