Most of you might not know this, but HTML5 in itself is still horribly incomplete, buggy, and as I said before, incomplete.
Expect a lot of problems after RS 3 is released. It will make the EoC release-Bugs look like a Christmas present. I know this, due to the fact I do some programing now n then.Sadly, people still think HTML5 is the future, or is going to replace Java/Flash.
It's simply HTML with a few nifty features, with other stuff. The game is actually still Java behind I heard with a HTML5 interface, so yeah.
Another thing to look at is that its going to have horrible incompatibility issues. Thats apart of HTML5. And how Runescape is using it, oh my, the bugs that will follow. I've actually been testing HTML5 on other platforms, as well as Runescapes HTML5. The lag issue people complain about is not because it is Runescape HTML5. It is because it is HTML5 itself, which will have many, many problems. And unlike the older, more reliable techs we got, HTML5 is going to be buggy for a long, long time.
---Needed to spread some gloom n doom.
12-Jul-2013 03:29:26