You are a conformist, you are the type of people who are always ok with anything that's put on your face, or don't mind them shoving them on your nose all the time.
Well, I am not.
On the other hand, I understand Jagex is a business, and it's fine if they want to get revenues from different features like the SoF.
giving away XP and items that some of us work hard to obtain, we find it disgusting.
Many players like me play the game it's meant to be, we don't bot or rwt bc it ruins the game.
It is also unfair for those who don't have money to buy SoF tickets. It's wrong bc it entices kids to gamble too!
In any case, like I said, they have the right to do it, as a business. But some of us wish they would remove XP lamps and armor items altogether. They could create new, untradeable items that don't offer any advantage in the game, like cosmetic items.
We just wish Jagex would listen to the player feedback bc, by the comments we post everywhere, the majority opposes it.
oh, and remove that annoying interface in the game. AND tab!
15-Jun-2012 18:52:50