It isn't that we feel entitled to everything. It is that we feel let down by Jagex. Buying 12 months of membership so we don't miss out on any content, which had always been free before, makes us feel hopeless when new content comes out. We will have to contentiously partake in all the promotions so we can have all the items we can have. Each time we partake in them the more and more membership we rack up. We don't buy the stuff for membership anymore we buy it for the items promised with it. You see they said that these promotions were just like buying membership and you get a free item, but it isn't like that. They can't sell membership on its own because they have made mistakes and lost tons of costumers. Now, every month they make you buy 3 months of membership for these items,so they will make 3x the amount of money from just 1 person. They don't space the updates out enough for your membership to run out before the next one. It happens way too frequently. In addition to this, there is no promise these items will ever be offered again. There may not be another gold membership promotion! This offers a certain degree of rarity to these items. It draws the attention of more people. Fooled by the dirty marketing scheme Jagex has set up, they purchase these items. They go and offer other ways of getting them. I bought nearly all the promotions before the gold, then when gold came out I ended up paying for the items twice. I'm not entitled to anything, but I feel cheated and misused. Jagex is pushing the boundaries on not only costumer loyalty, but also legal issues. After studying marketing myself, I understand where these promotions come from, but they are destroying costumers. I feel more and more hopeless each time one comes out. This can cause addiction problems which can lead to mental health issues. In the end the player will either buy all the stuff, learn to cope without it, quit the game because they can't have it, or much worse if this game is their life.
01-Jun-2013 23:09:35
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01-Jun-2013 23:17:14
Happy Mjh