Like it a lot that we now can size/re-size all the Information panels and move it around. And the re-structure of the info also gives sense.
But...can someone please point me to a page/document where shortcut-keys are listed for the beta version ?
Issues that I am unable to find the resolution for in the forums:
- Used to moving the camera angle around (and my person's view) via use of the arrow keys on the keyboard. I can't do that in beta ? I am stuck with a camera turning North no matter what way my person turns. I really don't want to play with a limitation like that.
Btw...agree with several comments ....please consider to allow us to minimize/hide the panels totally. The Management Interfaces (BackPack etc) minimizes okay and the Navigation (home teleport, map, camera, mini-map etc) Panel is also okay but I really would like to be HIDE (or extermly mini minimize) the chat panel/window totally (and currently I have not found a way to do it).
05-Jun-2013 08:04:16
- Last edited on
05-Jun-2013 08:05:33
Helena Trick