Hhhhmmm, ok that is very odd. When I click on the link it takes me to the Beta login without any problem - even when I'm not logged into the website first.
The HTML5 client only checks your if you're eligible at the game login, so in theory you should at least be able to get to the login screen using Google Chrome. :$
It would really help if anyone who thinks they should be able to access the Beta now submits a bug report so our Bug Tracking team can have a list of accounts to check out & fix. Please report the issue here:
When I try to enter on HTML it says i have my account guardian on, and yes I have, but i didn't received any e-mail which is supposed.... I already clicked on "resend email" a thousand times and never get it on my mail box.
Mod Drebin
Hhhhmmm, ok that is very odd. When I click on the link it takes me to the Beta login without any problem - even when I'm not logged into the website first.
The HTML5 client only checks your if you're eligible at the game login, so in theory you should at least be able to get to the login screen using Google Chrome. :$
It would really help if anyone who thinks they should be able to access the Beta now submits a bug report so our Bug Tracking team can have a list of accounts to check out & fix. Please report the issue here:
<a href="http://services.runescape.***/m=bugtracker_v4" target="_blank">Submit a Bug Report</a>
Thanks guys and I'm sorry you've not been able to get right away! <3
Submitted a bug, I just find it a bit odd since nis alpha and html5 beta both require a beta sign up, which I have done and I do have nis alpha access.
I hope it won't take long though to fix it
~ Thanks
Okay so I clicked on the play beta sign and after that I chose the second play nis alpha (java) sign, the one next to the "Html5 beta open to all registrants" box and it lead me to this address: http://***.runescape.***/game***?html5=1
Since it says html5 beta in the address I thought it would be the html5 beta, but it wasn't
- was nis alpha..
Seems really odd to me..