In other posts I've read some pretty harsh things...
Good evening, this is Gaoithe Croi
If you have the latest graphics cards for your computer then the HTML5 will work 100% better, sure it will lag when you first load it, but later that will be fixed. Remember this is a work in the making so don't be to harsh, they are as busy as can be with reading all of this to see whats going on with the players. So cut them a little slack people! I'm not saying everyone is being harsh, but they are trying their best to make the impossible happen and that impossible thing is...
"Making the players happy, while trying to change a little of what they love dearly!"
I just want to say thanks to everyone like me that thinks, "hey I've played this game for a long while, and lost a lot of accounts to hacking, but I love it so much that no matter what I'll always come back!" these players, are the core of this whole game. As well as all the people that have just started! I think we should cheer on the makers of Runescape and show them that we CAN except change. Because no matter what changes we will always remember the good and bad times of this game and all the friends we have met.
Thank you everyone who has worked on the Runescape project, I understand that you will always do your best. And I will always look forward to what you have to show us.
Thank you for your time, and good night to all...
27-May-2013 01:39:01