200m created accounts... ok. What escapes me is why this particular number is so special, and why we have to be involved. This number of created accounts has been called an "achievement", "truly amazing", and even an "iconic moment" and "momentous occasion".... Lol, Really? Why?
Don't really know why, but I don't feel like celebrating reaching this number. I just don't. I don't feel anything at all to be honest. It's just a number to me... one that is full of all kinds of tainted this and that, of which I'm sure everyone who plays the game and those who work for Jagex are aware.
I offer my congratulations for what it's worth. But seriously, I cba to care in the slightest or muster the smallest concern to celebrate it. There's nothing "grand" to celebrate, other than an arbitrary large number.... Woot! Good for everyone. Let's move on to something less trivial. We don't need another vanity item or cosmetic effect, nor a new gizzmo on the wheel, nor a time-wasting celebration of the galactically trivial.
I just want to play the game. Leave me alone already, and let your game do the talking. Please.
Sincerely, ITIontrose
12-Jun-2012 23:25:52