Bots? I realize that Runescape has it's share of bots. Some of my old friends (and enemies) IRL use botting. But think, do the bots need more than 1 account? I myself have had about 7, and 1 of them was stolen. This celebration isn't to comemorate 200 million PLAYERS, it's 200 million PROFILES. If JaGeX meant individual PLAYERS we would still have 50-100 million to go. Don't complain about the bots being most of the accounts, all that matters is the account itself. And secondly, why would you complain? 200 million accounts in, what 10-11 years? That's pretty impressive, isn't it? You can complain about the bots elsewhere. I'm gonna give JaGeX a big congratulations for getting their game to be so huge. (and because they've made a better game than WoW, but that's a personal opinion.) Go rant about bots elsewhere, this thread is for celebration of JaGeX's fulfillment of an amazing goal. (The rants section of the forums is near the bottom if you wanted to know.) So flamers, haters, and trolls, don't reply to the thread unless you have something that someone gave a crap about to hear. I want rants I can tell my mom I broke a window.
Adios, El Hater-os(?)
12-Jun-2012 23:04:02