
A Historic RuneScape Milestone

Quick find code: 294-295-18-63788634



Posts: 1,619 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Jagex staff has become delusional?
This is all but something to brag about. Runes(bot)cape has become laughing stock in the online gaming community due to the gigantic amounts of bots.
The jagex staff also does not seem to comprehend the concept of "Quality over quantity". Massive amounts of accounts are inactive due to some players having multiple accounts.
Let me not even start with bot numbers, after the first bot nuke 28k/30k was the average online at most times. Said value VS current value clearly indicate that the greater majority playing Rune(bot)scape is bots.
Shocking to say the least but Jagex seems to be rocking on.
Gotta love celebrating mediocreness....

12-Jun-2012 20:34:21

Jul Member 2004


Posts: 466 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
OK, Bot messages aside (maybe someone would like to start a separate thread about that.then you can stop posting it all in this one) I would like to say well done to all you proper active and past active accounts that have made it possible to get this close to this milestone.
It would have been interesting if we could have seen what number we are in relation to the 2 mill, but i suppose it's too late for that now.
I'll raise a glass of Dragon Beer to honor all my past friends of the 2Mill and also to honor maybe new ones in the future.

12-Jun-2012 20:34:22

Funny Memes

Funny Memes

Posts: 269 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As you guys are saying, yes, majority of the registered accounts are bots/gold farmers. Keep in mind this a MMO game however, not to mention a FREE one. It is quite obvious that there will be people taking advatage of this and tries to make IRL money. Also keep in mind that botters might be active players aswell who are just too lazy to do anything and will enjoy the game as a higher level (It is pointless in my point of view as I enjoy working hard to reach my goals), they also count as registered and active players. I find it hard to believe that there are more than a few million gold farmers.
It is a great achievement, long live RuneScape.

12-Jun-2012 20:34:29

Cow Wars

Cow Wars

Posts: 677 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I know many people are upset about "celebrating the creation of bots" but I do not see it this way since Jagex really has done quite a bit to deal with the bot problem. So I would like to take a moment and say congrats to Jagex for this major historical accomplishment!

12-Jun-2012 20:35:22



Posts: 8,899 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
we need another bot nuke day but still, congrats on 200 million accounts
@Donkieman jagex doesn't care, they'll continue as long as they make a profit
I wish I was in Dixie land

12-Jun-2012 20:36:20 - Last edited on 12-Jun-2012 20:37:49 by SwedishPagns

Apr Member 2017


Posts: 491 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I agree with PopTheKettle, even though many of the accounts are cheaters, it is still an incredible accomplishment that someone took the time to make an account almost 200million times. And either way not all the bots are level 3, I think a lot of people bot on their mains for only some skills. So Jagex should feel proud and not be ashamed. An incredible accomplishment for the amazing game you have created.
(I wish they were not bots, and i hope you come up witha way to make not so repetitive so that people would not feel the need to use bots or so that the script writers would have a harder time writing the scripts.)
Congrats Jagex keep up the good work - Love you guy!!!

12-Jun-2012 20:37:36



Posts: 1,440 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The 200-millionth player WILL BE A BOT.
Please don't rub your choices/failures/ethics in our faces... We choose to tolerate your disgusting marketing and manage to play... This is, along with many recent actions you have made as a whole, too far.

12-Jun-2012 20:37:55

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