Not much of an achievement seeing as you only see an extremely small fraction of those supposed 200m online at once. And what about the millions of botting accounts that have been banned or are still active. Not to mention the multiple throwaway accounts people make and the millions of inactive users there. And that counter just seems like bs to me it's going up like 5 users a second.
Wow. Ive been playing rs since 2003, mostly on this account, but imagine the percentage of the created bot accounts and inactive people compared to active people.
and, naturally, we want to celebrate with the people who made it possible
Sorry, The bots are too busy conquering the Hunter High scores to party with you.
Chunky Milk
Wow! That is pretty amazing! Seeing the counter made me wonder whether or not Jagex has been keeping track of what number each player is that has joined. If they have been, I think it'd be interesting if a players number was revealed to them for this momentous occassion. Not for bragging rights or anything (though I'm sure some people will take it that way :p), but just to get a better idea of when we've joined. Heck, if you have that date why not give it to us as well? Either way, congratulations to Jagex and all the players who have made this possible!
200,000,000 accounts created. 3% bot, 96% don't play, and 1% don't bot. congratulations Jagex you will have 6,000,000 bots, 192,000,000 non-active accounts, and 2,000,000 million legit players. Give your self a pat on the back for your 2,000,000 legit players that are active.