Okay, back too my list of famous RS players
Everend was the first player too reach lvls 80, 90, and 99 woodcutting, he quit in late 2004
S U O M I, is the current holder of max xp gain, at ovger 2bil overall and an average of 2m a day. He features in a Runescape rap battle against Zezima, mentioned later. He aquires a max cape. His name is on top of the RS hall of fame for his massive XP gvains.
Rab is the first registered player in RS besides Jagex moderators, that is conformed
Zezima is probally the most famous RS ploayer, he yeilds a completionist cape, but does not appear in the hall of fame. Zezima started playingv RS in 2001 and still plays today. On the first day he expeiremented with runecrafing, he went from lvl 1 to lvl 44, on his second day, his lvl iuncreased to 63, correct me if i am wrong.
Feal free to name and describe famous or infamous RS players if you wish. That's all the players I can think of.
14-Jun-2012 22:23:09