Sooooo looking forward to this update, I spend a lot of time playing Runescape on an iPad using splashtop. Playing native will be freeken awesome!
The one thing I struggle with is the timing of right click (hold touch for 2 secs, the delay is a real pain! 1 click mouse setting as an alternative is a pain) looking forward to iPad playability!
Wtf difference will it actually make? Will it run smoother? Whoop** doo.
Unless it fixes technical things like dual-wielding so that you can ACTUALLY use a weapon in either hand (right-click option, pl0x), I really don't give a flying pink unicorn pig-****.
I would like to know only one thing. If Runescape 3 will run and I want to play I need to do new character and play from 3 lvl? Or maybe my stats will be saved from rs 2?
I hope everything works out well in the end.
I will try to provide as much useful feedback as possible :3
Updates are hard to make, especially when it's a solo project, so raging against the mod will get you nothing.