I know I'm horribly late...is there still a chance to join in? Even so late? Thanks if at all possible, thanks even if not, serves me for not reading the forum...
A Y33T
I just have a question about this as well and I've been wanting to know (and hopefully happen) for quite some time.
With Rs3 coming out and the removal of java for rs, will rs be able to be played on tablets such as Ipads?
Apple devices don't support WebGL, so not at launch.
I know I'm horribly late...is there still a chance to join in? Even so late? Thanks if at all possible, thanks even if not, serves me for not reading the forum...
The beta signups closed the tenth. Everyone will have a chance to try it out before it's released though, similar to the EoC beta.
Maybe I dont even need to run the beta to find out if I can run RS3...if I can run the Bestiary smoothly, does it stand to reason I'll be able to run RS3?
Just worried I'll be "upgraded out of the boat"...
Edit - I just read on an other thread that I still should be able to play RS on the Java Client...so, that's a relief...
16-Apr-2013 19:58:02
- Last edited on
16-Apr-2013 20:16:17