
Old School RuneScape Anyone?

Quick find code: 294-295-158-64458191

Jun Member 2011


Posts: 989 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Understand this. I despise EoC with every fiber of my being but still...

They arent going to let us transfer levels and items to this server. Starting over. How many of you still have as much free time as you did 6 years ago?
Understand that this is starting completely fresh. There is no godwars dungeonx There is no spirit shields. There is no Nex armor. There is no powerful special attack weapons, AGS, Claws, etc..

You are all letting this want of RS in its prime cloud your judgement. All you pkers, like me, who just want the old combat system, no one plays the crucible because you lose everything, so there is no powerful special attack weapons usually taken in. In 07scape its going to be pure drag wep-ddp spec whip-ddp mace spec w/e. And thats if someone manages to get 85 slayer within such a short time. Pking continuous rune sets will yield to boredom. Barrows is going to be the nex armor of runescape, and going to hard to get. You are going to get burned out. All your hard work in RS now will be pointless. There is no Turmoil. No Grand Exchange. All those Majarrat quests, GONE.

I miss the good old days too guys. But this isnt going to succeed. EOC NEEDS ITS OWN PRIVATE SERVER AS IS. YOU MADE A BETA SERVER DO THE SAME.
"Wherever you go, the moon still sets in Irithyll. Wherever you may be, Irithyll is your home."

14-Feb-2013 16:04:44



Posts: 552 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well thanks Jagex for giving us false hope.
There aren't even close to 750k members, let alone even 250k and even 50k would kinda surprise me. There's not a damn chance in hell that we would get 750k votes. People aren't willing to pay to vote, and you making the poll like this for members only makes it look like a giant scam just to recieve more profit from the gullible people who pay membership just to vote. If you were fair you would make it open for the public, not just for members.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------noob, stop moaning at jagex. this vote can be voted several times by the same person. like the wildi/free trade vote.

my own opinion is this will kill the game. instead of 50k on each game, it will be 25k on eoc and 25k on 2007. completley splitting the community. if you care about the future of runescape and not fun for a couple of months, you should vote no.

14-Feb-2013 16:04:44



Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
does this mean the age of the pures is coming back 1 def pure are gonna be the ownage, slaying will become amazing money, tanker will come back on the sence, mains will only be use to exchange money to there pure account, the prices of items will be going to the ecomny, not rs to choose, old school pking clan will come back, pure clans, f2p pure, member pures, mix of everything going, low level hp pures, people starting off as skillers to make money for then turning to pures, well have the orginal clue scrolls back, herbs wills be amazing money again, bring back 2007 sever<3

14-Feb-2013 16:04:53

Apr Member 2023


Posts: 353 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ive been member for a very long time but i quit being member when i just couldnt enjoy the game (due to eoc) anymore.

I find it unfair to only let paying members vote, it should be anyone member before the launch of the EOC system.

14-Feb-2013 16:05:25



Posts: 502 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'll give you that membership fee when the old game is implemented, they don't charge you up-front at a restaurant and say "If the people already eating vote for us to bring out your food then we'll do it."

Hostility aside, I'm grateful that you guys have provided this opportunity and I think it will work out for the better, thank you. I have not played any other game as passionately and I doubt I ever will again.

14-Feb-2013 16:05:54



Posts: 202 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Look, I don't have a super cool name or any of that stuff.

But I've started a 2007 Oldschool fc so everyone can hangout and discuss their opinions on the Server.

Friends chat: Like a Bosh

I'm also promoting people to prevent spam in the FC

14-Feb-2013 16:05:57

Elven Fyre

Elven Fyre

Posts: 11,784 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Updates after 2007 august/things we wont have:

Function/Usablility Updates


13 March - Lodestone Network
- Self explanatory



4 October - Camera Controls
- Ability to move camera using mouse

21 September - Members’ Loyalty Programme
- Auras/Recolouring

25 May - Death Hats, Draynor and Upgrades
- Lots of npcs made left click

3 May - Capes of Distinction
-10/20/30.../80/90+ capes

15 March - Ring of Wealth upgrade, Shanties.
- Row teleports/more effects

1 February - The Wilderness and Free Trade Return!
- Free trade/pvp returned



14 December - Damage Soaking and New Hitsplats
- Brought the damage soak on armours

24 November - Skill Targets
- Set a skill target xp or lvl

7 September - Elite Achievement Diaries
- Added elite section/rewards to pre existing diaries

4 August - Elite Treasure Trails and New Rewards
- 3a druidic + new rewards

3 March - Changes to the Hitpoints Skill
- Damage/hp x10, name changed to constitution



18 August - Butlers overhaul
- Butlers much easier to use

9 June - Run energy upgrade
- Self explanatory

17 March - Route-finding Update
- Update that helped us walk properly

3 March - Deposit-all feature and more
- price checker/kept on death price checker

27 January - Magic Interface Features
- Organise spells



9 December - Falador/Fremmy Achievement Diary
- And their respective rewards

29 July - Item Lending Update
- Self explanatory

21 May - Quick Chat
- Self explanatory

21 May - Level-up Messages
- More detailed and informative

4 March - CoinShare
- Self explanatory



10 December - Duel Arena F2P
- Made to be f2p

26 November - The Grand Exchange
**** and all its problems

5 November - Assist System
- Self explanatory

16 October - LootShare
- Ability to share loots

10 September - Change of unid's to grimy herbs, (Unf) pots exist now
- Unid's become grimy, unf pots now usable

6 August - Clan Chat

14-Feb-2013 16:06:08



Posts: 69 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Every new account made on runescape now gets a free 14 days trial membership.

But wait! you cannot vote with trial accounts.

But wait again! how much it costs to buy membership on trial accounts???


Make a new trial membership account, buy member for 1.98$ , vote and repeat.

If the whole community does this for 7 time,&#65279; we will get 750k votes easily.

Please share this everywhere so we can reach our goal and unlock f2p on these servers.


You don't like 07 servers? don't play on it. Least you could do is vote so we can reach the free fee, that is the only logical answer. Yes i know most of you don't actually think rationally.

If you don't like 2007 servers then you have your 2013 servers to play on. Why are you even on this thread expressing your opinion if you prefer EoC over the glory days of runescape. The days with no overpowered weapons, potions, prayers, etc. The days of a ACTUAL COMMUNITY. The days were trading was useful, with no grandexchange. The REAL merchanting days. Get real Reply

14-Feb-2013 16:06:09

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