Old school in every way? In my humble opinion one of the worse changes to the game since 2007 happened in October 2009 where it gave people the ability to change their names not once, not twice, but every month without a hiccup.
Over the years paths cross between many people and sometimes these people just don't get along...feelings are hurt, mistrust and betrayal may be present and a person always had the ability of placing a person on an ignore list where it immortalized the offending person's character forever.
Now if they change their name twice and you aren't keeping track, you have an option of keeping a name you no longer recognize nor remember what they did to earn the spot there, or remove it and be thrown back into the madness all over again...much like the "Young offenders Act" in certain countries where it pretty much gives younger folks the ability to do whatever they want as a youth and not answer for it into adult life, so has the name change ability, and isn't only young players taking advantage of it. Players do what they want; insult, berate, antagonize, cheat, scam, etc. being disruptive to a clans harmony and simply have to disappear for a few months and reappear with a new name but the same old mayhem with the ability to change their name.
I would like to see Old School Runescape include the removal of name change ability. Original names are displayed on those servers no matter how many times someone changed their names over the years, whatever name they registered with originally is the name they have to use.
14-Feb-2013 12:57:00