Incredible how Jagex just keeps going greedy... "This will be a members-only vote." really? You guys want F2p players to get mems just for a vote that it almost impossible to reach 750k votes considering that the amount of online players goes barely over 90k.... WHAT NONSENSE IS THIS? Over half the online players are most likely bots which mean probably a bit over 50k votes considering not all are members. You guys make me sick, I was happy to hear that we were going to get old RS back but after reading all the obvious topics on 50k votes "with an additional membership fee of around $15." this just made me cancel my members for good, I will be able to give the vote for my fellows scapers.
Note: Not hating the game, just furious how this message - "We wouldn’t ever add any micropayment updates." Guess what if it doesn't reach enough votes there will be one right there... Not considering this looks like a marketing project to get more F2p players to go mems for a vote about over 500k mem accounts for one vote each. Makes me sick if you guys know the online players don't go over 100k.
Thank you for reading this mods, if you even read it.
14-Feb-2013 12:00:06