First off, I'd like to thank you jagex for giving us, the players of your game, your customers, for giving us a chance to let our voice be heard. It has been long since you have listened to what the members really want with the game, so I thank you.
While you have made the initial step in making an opening poll, there are some things that need to be considered. The poll is not going to give an accurate representation of how many people will want to come back to the game and play 2007 runescape. For one, many veteran players who have quit and are now f2p, will NOT want to dish out 7-10 dollars just to vote for this cause, only to have to possibly pay 15$/Month to play. Not to mention, start out at level 3 again. I realize that the 15$ is a number that has been chosen so the company will be able to maintain profits, and that will be hard for the community to budge. However, I do hope that you consider making the poll open to f2p players OR either promote some account stat transfer. For example, players could be allowed a certain amount of 'points', a number calculated from their current total level /3. They could use these points on any skills they wished in 2007 Runescape, or possibly even turn it into some extra start-up cash. Once they use their points on their 2007 accounts, they can't change what they have one. This method would allow for some partial account transfer which would make a lot of people happy, and would motivate more elders to come back to the game and give you money.
14-Feb-2013 05:45:32