I do not support this at all, but Jagex you did a fantastic job.
1. Member's only vote. F2P'ers now have to give you $8 to vote for this to even hit the drawing boards.
2. If only a little response is found, you will open up servers requiring an additional $15. Now membership is much higher, and people are still paying you.
3. Once people realize that 2013scape > 2007scape, the only good thing about it back then was you were younger, and this is all driven off nostalgia, they will quit and come back.
Jagex, it's a win win win situation, in all circumstances you walk away with a larger wallet. This is genius, and while I don't support 2007scape you seriously made the best out of this situation.
Seriously, Good job!
13-Feb-2013 18:04:02