Even tho I am quite happy with eoc I will vote yes to the 2007 rs to allow those who want it to have a chance to play the game they want. I think a lot of us members will vote on your behalf for it, as I would like to get it to the level that there will be ftp 2007 as well. One of the things I loved about runescape was the way people who couldn't afford members were still able to play and level up in the skills available.
There were people who stayed with runescape classic, so as far as I am concerned, I am happy to support those who want 2007 version, even tho I will stick to the eoc version myself. I think this is a real compromise by jagex to provide something backdated for their members who want it, and they are governed by what back ups they can restore to working order. I think its great they did find a backup tthat went back to that time.
14-Feb-2013 04:37:30